Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Watching Mike Mow

Just moved here to condo and I'm watching the landscaping guy do the mowing. Rather hard to ignore as he keeps going past my open windows. I love to mow, but don't have a yard of my own. Mowing gives you time to think, time to wonder about life, time to ponder things. Like is Mike married???? Nice looking guy, very friendly, who knows??
Took my 14+ year old dog to vet this AM as he couldn't walk well at all. Got him back on pain killers, so he's dozing now. He's an Eskie, lost one back leg several years ago, other leg getting tired of hopping along, I guess. He's been a good dog, had him since he was 6 weeks. My late husband named him "Ice" and he loves the snow. I can't yet face the thought of losing him. Even the vet had tears in his eyes today. He and I went to grade and high school together so he's an old friend. I still have another dog, Samantha Grace who is a lover-girl. She will help me through any loss but she's 13 herself so not a very bright future ahead for any of us.